activism and academia | 20 sept 2019
Community engagement is essential for ethical and timely research in sex, gender and sexuality studies. This event will facilitate dialogue between activists and scholars on how best to do sexualities research in response to community concerns. We invite scholars who are at any level (undergraduate, postgraduate, early career etc.) to come and take part in the workshop.
On Friday 20th September, we will host an afternoon workshop at the University of Surrey structured with discussions and interactive activities with three LGBTIQ+ activists. Topics covered will include intersex, disability, homelessness and many others. We will start at midday and finish by 4:30pm. A vegetarian lunch will be provided. This event will be led by Valentino Vecchietti. Scroll down for more details.
This event is free thanks to generous funding from the Wellcome Trust. However there are limited spaces and registration is essential. We have a number of travel bursaries available to enable unwaged, student, and early career individuals to attend. Please email us at after registering to let us know if you want to be considered for this.
Register here: Closing date for registration 17th September 6PM.
Valentino Vecchietti
Valentino Vecchietti is an intersex activist and human rights campaigner in the UK. They founded the charity Intersex Equality Rights UK, and are a stakeholder for the UK Government Equalities Office. They speak at intersex conferences in the UK and internationally.
They consult for organisations and projects that wish to include intersex. Including: universities, museums, and LGBT Organizations. They also consult in the Arts for television, film, and theatre. They are the Intersex Columnist for DIVA Magazine, the largest lesbian and bi women’s magazine in Europe. In 2019, they won a DIVA award for their work in intersex equality rights, and they are on the DIVA Power List 2019. They are part of Kadak Collective, a women’s art collective.
Their comic, In-Out Gender Through the Brexit Lens, has an intersectional focus on their own intersex, lesbian, immigrant, non-white, working class, background. It has been exhibited and reviewed internationally.
Leo Aces Collins
I'm Leo and I teach diversity awareness, focusing on Disability and Transgender issues. I am also a model.
I am Transgender and I identify as a Transman. I have Athetoid Cerebral Palsy which I have had from birth. I have never let my disability get in the way of living a fulfilling life.
I am passionate for people to understand that somebody who has a severe disability like mine is still able to live life just as successfully as somebody who is able bodied. It is often forgotten that people with disabilities have a sexuality, whether gay, bisexual, pansexual, straight etc. They also may have a gender identity which differs from people’s assumptions. Through training I hope to spread awareness about these issues.
Through modelling I hope to change people's perceptions about the capabilities of disabled bodies. They can be attractive and craved. I have life modelled for artists, at The Tate and for the Welcome Project.
Veecca Smith Uka
Veecca Smith Uka is an award-winning community Organiser and volunteer, Studying MSc Marketing in Edinburgh Business School Herriot Watt University, she is a lesbian woman and LGBTIQ+ Campaigner from Nigeria who has been granted safety in the UK. She is also the Secretary of African Rainbow Family, a charitable organisation that supports the LGBTIQ community including those seeking Asylum.
A chairperson and co-founder of Sisters United Halifax; a user self-led group for women in Calderdale and based in Halifax, created to build community, safe space for women from all backgrounds to offer support and to empower women through rights and education; Lift the Ban Ambassador; Refugee Ambassador; Woman of the Year 2018 in Woman on the Move Award by UNHCR and Migrant Organise in championing Migrant and Refugees. BAME Officer in Halifax CLP 2018 and a Delegate 2019.
Public Lecture: Prof Surya Monro
In the evening, we are delighted to welcome Prof Surya Monro to give the inaugural FUTURESEX Public Lecture at the University of Surrey following the panel. She has published on (among other topics) intersectionality, bisexuality, intersex and trans issues, and her talk will offer an opportunity to reflect on the history and future of sexuality studies. Vecchietti will offer an expert response to Monro’s talk before hosting a Q&A session. See more details here.